Gabriella Carlsson
Born in Stockholm, Sweden
Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Art Theory
Sven-Olov Wallenstein
Stockholm, Sweden 02-01
Staffordshire University, MA Fine Art
David Campbell, Phil Sayers
Stoke-on-Trent, UK 99-98
Grafikskolan, College of Printmaking Arts in Stockholm
Leif Elggren, Chun Lee Wang Gurt, Lea Ahmed Jussilainen
Stockholm, Sweden 98-95
Nyckelviksskolan, Metal Programme
Yngve Berger
Stockholm, Sweden 93-92
Järva Artschool, Foundation Artschool
Gregor Wroblewski, Celia Prado, Carl Etzler
Stockholm, Sweden 92-91
S.C.U.T- Society for Cutting Up T-shirts and Leat-Her Jacket Project present: Love Will Tear Us Ap-Art, Solo, Platforms Project, Athens, Greece 24
Homesessions with Distortion, Solo, Platforms Project, Athens, Greece 23
with Distortion Art
In the Darkroom/I Mörkerrummet, Grafiska Sällskapets Galleri, Stockholm, Sweden 23
Printmaking, photos, installation, drawings and objects
Homesessions 1,2,3, Das Esszimmer, Supermarket Stockholm Independent Art Fair, Sweden 23
Kaffe och kaka med Kafka, Galleriet, Täljstenen, Sala, Sweden 23
with Anna Pettersson and Tomas Olsén
Subculture in the Suburbs, Solo, Platforms Project, Athens, Greece 22
with Sthlm2
Art’s Birthday, Hok Gallery, Den Haag, The Netherlands 21
mail-carousel and film screening
“Guide to the rock’n’roll revolutionaries”, cardboard version
We are your friends, ID:I Galleri, Stockholm, Sweden 19
Curator: Alexander Mood
“Women turning their backs on each other”
The Greatest Hits, solo, ID:I Galleri, Stockholm, Sweden 19
Installation, photos, objects, fanzines
Platforms Project, Athens, Greece 18
with ID:I Galleri
”Feeling blue”
The Forest that unites, Centre des arts et de la culture de Ville de Saguenay, Canada 17
with ID:I Galleri
”In the hood in my wood, I’m feeling blue”
Platforms Project, Athens, Greece 17
with ID:I Galleri
”ROCK’N’ROLL ing pin & cinnamon ROLL OVER”
Art-Athina, International Contemporary Art Fair of Athens, Greece 16
with ID:I Galleri
Art-Athina, International Contemporary Art Fair of Athens, Greece 14
with Parabola
“Darkness Project”
Art-Athina, International Contemporary Art Fair of Athens, Greece 13
with Parabola and WAYWO
“Art Junkyard projection”
Parabola, Tensta Kulturhus, Sweden 12
with Anna Konik
Body of Art J, Ferrari Gallery, Los Angeles, USA 08
Curator: Jasmine Ferrari
Status, Flaggfabrikken- Senter för fotografi og kunst, Bergen, Norway 06
Curator: Anne Szefer Karlsen
Video Weekend Nonstop, CRAC, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, Sweden 06
“High heels with chewing gum”, “Join Hands/Join Heels”
Local News, Gallery One-C Devon, UK 05
Vliegtoren, Korte Digitale Video Festival, Den Haag, The Netherlands 05
“Washing up to James Bond”, “Knitting to Motörhead”
Additional Information, Flaggfabrikken- Senter för Fotografi og Kunst, Bergen, Norway 04
Southern Comfort på CRAC, Stockholm, Sweden 04
ISLAND FILM & VIDEO FESTIVAL, Prenelle Gallery, London, UK 04
Diarama, MXO Den Haag, The Netherlands 04
“Bird, Fish and Inbetween”
Rotterdam VHS Festival, The Netherlands 04
“Dressing up a chair”
Ols & co Gallery, Nth-Art Exhibit.001 London, UK 03
“Nylonstocking buns” and “Rock’n’rolling pin”
SIKB(r), Söders Internationella Konstbiennal, Stockholm, Sweden 03
Curators: Gustavo Aguerre and Ingrid Falk
”Guide to the rock’n’roll (r)evolutionaries”
Videokunst/Kortfilm, Landmark- Bergen Kunsthall, Norway 02
“Washing Up”
Heavy Petting De Ooivaar, Den Haag, The Netherlands 02
“Miss Teenage Cat”
Heroes + Holies, EV+A, Limerick, Ireland 02
curator: Apinan Poshyananda
“Reactions”, Exit Art, New York, USA 02
“Reactions”, The Williamson Gallery, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, California, USA 02
Vacationland, Westbourne Studios, London, UK 02
Electric, Galleri FISK, solo, Bergen, Norway 01
Installation, video, objects
Benodige Stof, fournituren en accessories, Roem, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 01
“Scumbag” and “Trash dress”
Vacationland, Arthouse, Dublin, Ireland 01
Konstforum, Norrköping, Sweden 01
with Leif Elggren and Chun Lee Wang Gurt
MA Fine Art Graduation Show, solo, Henrion Building, Stoke-on-Trent, UK 99
“Rocking room”: Installation, video, objects, photo and collage work
Planted, REAL Gallery New York, USA 99
Gateway Education & Arts Centre, Shrewsbury, UK 99
“VID”, 3 solos, Galleri H, Stockholm, Sweden 98
Installation, photos and prints
Platsprojektet, Stockholms Stadsmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden 97
“Ingen plats/No place”
Solo @ College of Printmaking Arts in Stockholm, Sweden 92
Sveagalleriet, Stockholm, Sweden 92
Polarstationen 21
Words and music
Stockholms Pyramider/The Pyramids of Stockholm, Sweden 20
Site Specific, Art Search Project
Les Pyramides de Paris, France 20
Site Specific, Art Search Project
I Ett Annat Land/In Another Country 18
Childrens Workshop, Tierps Kommun
School of Rock 17
Reflections Project, Örbyhus Slott 16
Drömmen om verkligheten, Art Search Project
Örbyhus Castle, A Concrete Meet 16
Objets Trouvés/Installation, Art Search Project
Brighton Bleach Beach Painting 15
Objets Trouvés, Art Search Project
Electric Christmas Balls 12
with Anna Petterson
Reflections Project, Venice 11
The New World Upside Down, Art Search Project
The Tenant’s lost mail/ Hyresgästens försvunna post, Stockholm, Sweden 09
Installation, Södermalm
Art Junkyard, Venice 08
Art Search Project
Bay City Babylon, the unbelievable but true story of the Bay City Rollers/ Heidegger’s, Philosophy of Art 07
Found and Claimed misprint, Art Search Project
Spunk Fanzine 05, 06
Fandomen Fanzine 02
Sthlm 3, Stockholm, Sweden 02-03
Site Specific, Stockholms Tunnelbanestationer/The Stockholm Underground
Vykort från Förorten/Postcards from the Suburbs
Dead Romantic 00
with Wendy Murray
School´s Out 00
G.A.P, Stoke-on-Trent, UK 99
with Artemis Potamianou
A Bunch of Girls, Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent 99
The Dress 98
Exmining my mom’s red dress, screen print on paper, screen print on dress, Printmaking School,
Galleri H
America, land of the free they say... 98
Drawings along the way from New York to San Francisco
Art Junkyard Barcelona 97
Art Search Project
Publications, catalogues, press
CD-cover, The Dahlits, "Chess and Coffee", Stuttgart, Germany 14
with Tomas Holmqvist, "Nylon Stocking Guitar"
Art-Athina, Athens, Greece 13
Freesch Magazine, Vykort från Förorten av Sthlm 3, Nr 2, Bergen, Norway, 02
EV+A, Limerick, Ireland 02
SYNVÄNDA, book, published by Journal, Stockholm, Sweden 97
Print, College of Printmaking Arts in Stockholm, Sweden 97
Bergens Tidene, Videokunst/kortfilm, Norway 02-11-29
Bergens Tidene, Electric Norway 01-07-10
Bergens Tidene Norway 02-07-11
Natt og Dag Bergen, Norway 01-06
The Dubliner, Vacationland, Ireland 01-07
Sunday Business Post, Vacationland, Ireland 01-07-08
Flaggfabrikken- Senter för Fotografi og Kunst, Bergen, Norway 06
Flaggfabrikken- Senter för Fotografi og Kunst, Bergen, Norway 04
The Library of Congress, Washington DC, USA 02
Nationalmuseum, Stockholm, Sweden 01
Grafikens Hus, Mariefred, Sweden 01
Another Space Ltd, Scotland, UK 01
Embassy of Sweden in Athens
Svensk-Grekiska Nämnden för Kulturutbyte
Related Work
Freelance Photographer, rockbands, published pics
Stockholm, Sweden
Roskilde, Denmark 04-95
“Demons” Riot in Japan cd booklet, photosession
“Demons” Stockholm City Magazine, Gearhead Magazine, USA, Photosession
“Demons” Ad for Gutter Island Garage Rock Festival, DK
SIA Magazine, SE: Live: Nomads,Rocket from the Crypt, Dick Dale, Tindersticks, Jeff Dahl, Fluffy, Turbonegro, Wayne Kramer, Demolition 23, Shane McGowan and the Popes, 22 Pistepirkko, The Jayhawks, Monstermagnet, Urge overkill,
Dead Moon, The Godfathers,
Frihet,SE: The Cramps, photosession
Member of AMP- Artists Meeting Place and Resource Collective
Member of Parabola, with Dan Lageryd and Alexander Mood
Member of Sthlm3
Gabriella Carlsson was born in Stockholm, Sweden. She holds a Master degree in Fine Arts from Staffordshire University in the U.K. She further studied Art Theory at Konstfack, College of Arts and Design in Stockholm. She has taken part in exhibitions in Europe, Canada and the US.
Since an early age she was interested in drawing and music. She came as a teenager and young adult to live in a post-punk subcultural environment. In this context her interest for art was formed. As the music and styles around her developed, her life and art practice outside the mainstream did likewise. She found potential, energy, creativity in the underground music scene. This influenced her and informed the direction her practice would take.
Her work celebrates the presence of artistic and youth subculture and the bond between music and art.
It deals with questions of how we live our lives and suggestions are made of other perspectives. Connections are found between art, music and everyday-life. It investigates resistance towards the mainstream. By shaking up a fixed view an understanding of diversity and otherness can come through.
She works visually low-fi using everyday objects and situations. Her body of work consists of photo, video, installation and objects.